Prep School

Academics and Support

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Stefanie Cox

    Stefanie Cox 

    Interim Prep Co-Head - Operations/French Teacher
  • Photo of Kevin Curran

    Kevin Curran 

    Interim Prep Co-Head - Curriculum/Prep Learning Strategist
  • Photo of Adelle Goodfellow

    Adelle Goodfellow 

    Administrative Assistant to Prep & Middle Heads

Learning Support

Learning support in the Prep School is an inclusive model that takes place in the classroom where the teacher delivers the curriculum. Differentiation of lessons and teaching includes small groups and one-on-one instruction to ensure students are challenged to grow in their knowledge and skills. This support is offered to help the students develop an understanding and awareness of themselves as learners, along with the self-esteem that is essential for success in these years. 

Our first focus is on literacy skills across all subjects. Literacy-based learning support in the Prep School is based on evidence-based strategies from the Science of Reading and Writing research. This foundation ensures that students are supported as they develop confidence and independence in the skills of learning letters and their sounds (phonics), vocabulary acquisition, reading text as well as different types of writing. Learning support is also offered in mathematics through small group as well as one-on-one sessions that ensure students are developing the vocabulary, skills and conceptual knowledge required for numeracy success. 

Prep Learning Strategist - Kevin Curran

The Prep School Learning Strategist works in partnership with teachers and students in Senior Primary to Grade 4. In situations where a student has identified learning needs, the Prep School Learning Strategist engages in routine conversations with teachers in support of tracking student skill development and progress using grade-level benchmarks. This includes maintaining records of students with learning exceptionalities and working alongside teachers in the classroom to implement differentiated plans that provide accommodations for students.

Academics by Grade Level

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Junior Primary

    Click here for an overview of the Junior Primary program at Grammar.
  • Senior Primary

    • Focusing on the transition to an academic program, the Senior Primary year is a stepping stone for students as they learn to develop independence and responsibility for themselves and their belongings.
    • The foundation of learning in literacy includes phonics instruction as the touchstone to early reading. 
    • The Writing program encourages students to express their ideas in creative ways using print.  
    • The Math program is focused on a foundation of numeracy and includes many opportunities to explore learning in a hands-on way. 
    • Science and Social Studies include topic-based investigations of big idea questions including “My role as a member of a community” and “What role does the environment play in the survival of animals around the world?”
  • Grades 1-4

    • Language Arts program includes: 
      • phonics instruction as a foundation for reading and writing
      • writer’s workshop model for student learning about the revision process and peer feedback in the creation of published work
      • literature circles and novel studies to foster a rich appreciation of literature
      • Reader’s Theatre and dramatic performance to bring literature and plays to life for students
      • poetry writing and recitation for the creative expression as well as public speaking performance skills

    • Mathematics program includes:
      • focus on foundational computation and number sense skills
      • creative and flexible thinking about problem-solving 
      • making our mathematical thinking ‘visible’ through explaining our answers and the ‘why’ of their accuracy
      • hands-on exploration and experimentation to master mathematical concepts
      • enrichment and extension of mathematical thinking, including math contests

    • Science & Social Studies curriculum includes:
      • big idea questions or inquiry-based explorations of topics that apply to life outside the classroom, such as water conservation, land rights and reconciliation, environmental stewardship.
      • key concepts explored in hands-on science experiments including properties of energy and matter, electricity, force and motion, as well as living things and their environment.  
      • off-campus excursions to explore natural habitats; excursions to the Discovery Centre help students to make connections between concepts and real-world applications. 

    • A focus on health and mindful wellbeing are at the heart of these years in the Prep School. Students learn about themselves as students and why embracing challenges as well as mistakes is key to their success. Fostering a growth mindset is also at the heart of these years in the Prep School.
    • Specialist classes in Arts, Physical Education, French, and Music for the remainder of this program.
Specialist Classes


Prep students will explore the fundamentals in fine art to develop these skills across a range of mediums. From watercolour painting and charcoal sketching to modelling clay and 3D art projects. The Arts program ensures that Prep School students have a range of hands-on art experiences as they explore this medium of expression.


Learning another language is a key milestone for our Prep School students. Exploring French in vocal, choral, and written forms allows students to develop a rich vocabulary and an appreciation for the language. Students will also explore French through dramatic class plays, encouraging expression and comprehension in the learning process.

Physical and Health Education

Focusing on physical literacy, the Physical Education (PE) program fosters gross motor skills with activities such as throwing and catching games, skipping and circuit training and chasing games. Strategy, fair play as well as sportsmanship are key components of the curriculum. Students enjoy indoor and outdoor PE classes in the Prep School years.


From foundations in music history and theory to music appreciation, Prep School students develop a rich repertoire of experiences in the music program. Choral music is the foundation of performance in the early grades, and the ukulele is introduced in Grades Three and Four. In addition, students have the opportunity to perform at several concerts and in the local community.