About Us
Board of Governors

Board Responsibilities

Basic Legal Duties of Directors

The Articles of Association provide that the “direction of the affairs of the Company” shall be vested in the Governors. The Board is responsible for setting the policy and strategies of the Company and performing scheduled reviews of them. Specific authority is given to the Board to do things such as appoint a Head of School, set policies for the admission and removal of students, set the student fees, encourage and receive donations and endowments, purchase property and provide for the management of the affairs of the School in such a manner as they see fit.

Individual Governors owe a fiduciary duty to the School. They are expected to act reasonably, prudently and in good faith in the best interests of the School as a whole. They are also expected to avoid conflicts of interest, to maintain the confidentiality of Board business and to support decisions made collectively by the Board. Individual Governors must also act in accordance with applicable legislation, by-laws and policies. Finally, each Governor is expected to exercise the same degree of care, skill, and diligence as would be expected of a person with the same experience and background.

Key Stewardship Responsibilities of the Board

The Board of Governors is accountable to the School community for Grammar's success in achieving its Mission, Vision and strategic plans in a manner consistent with its values.

According to current standards of governance, the Board of Governors is responsible to provide strategic leadership and effective stewardship and to advance the best interests of the School as a whole.

The Board is expected to:

  • Approve the School’s Mission and Vision
  • Ensure that the School’s values and ethics are clear, known to and applied by the School community
  • Recruit, appoint, evaluate, develop and compensate the Head of School
  • Participate in the development of and approve the School’s strategic plan
  • Approve the annual priorities and budget, ensuring alignment with the strategic plan
  • Monitor the School’s progress in relation to its strategic and annual plans
  • Ensure the ongoing financial sustainability of the School
  • Provide leadership in advancing a culture of philanthropy at the school
  • Understand the principal risks facing the school and ensure that the School administration has systems in place to identify and manage risk
  • Monitor the adequacy of the School’s internal controls and management information systems
  • Promote and monitor the quality of the School’s programs and services
  • Ensure that the School’s human resources policies support the attraction, development, and retention of qualified and motivated employees
  • Approve a communications policy and monitor the effectiveness of the School’s relationships with key stakeholders
  • Demonstrate accountability to the School community and monitor the School’s compliance with legal reporting requirements
  • Foster the Board’s ongoing effectiveness and efficiency

The Board's Role in Advancement and Funds Development

The Board has a critically important role to play in advancing the mission of the Halifax Grammar School. The Board approves the School’s mission. It leads to the development of a shared vision and establishes clear strategic priorities for the School. It appoints a Head of School with the passion, commitment, and skills required to implement the strategic plan. The Board bears a critical responsibility for sourcing the funds and other resources required to support the School’s Mission.

Governors are expected to demonstrate leadership in garnering philanthropic and other support for the School. All Board members are expected to participate in the Annual Campaign and periodic Capital Campaigns, to their ability to do so. Board members are also expected to encourage others to support Grammar's fundraising efforts.

Board Size and Composition

The Board of Governors of the Halifax Grammar School is made up of volunteer parents, alumni and community members. Care is taken to nominate individuals with diverse skill sets, experience and backgrounds to assist the Board in fulfilling its important stewardship responsibilities. The School is fortunate to have dedicated and capable individuals serving on the Board. Grammar benefits from their collaborative efforts to advance the best interests of the school.

The size and composition of the Board are prescribed by the HGS Articles of Association. These Articles will be reviewed by the Governance Committee every three (3) years at which time the issue of the Board's size and composition will be considered specifically to determine if any changes are warranted. Currently, the Board can range in size from 10 to 18 members. In November 2018, the Board determined that the ideal board size is fourteen (14) members.

Ideal Board Profile

The ideal profile for the "collective" Board of Governors includes the following skills/expertise, representation and attributes.


  • Financial/accounting
  • Legal
  • Communications and stakeholder relations
  • Education
  • Real estate development
  • Fundraising/advancement
  • Human resources
  • Governance
  • Child and adolescent health
  • Marketing/branding
  • Strategic skill sets
  • Individuals with strong connections to the school community
  • Broader community involvement and extensive networks

Consideration should be given to:

  • A balance of representatives in the community from different walks of life (e.g. balance of gender, diversity, new and long-time parents)
  • A balance of representatives with children in all parts of Grammar (i.e. prep, middle, senior)
  • A balance of professional expertise and skills required on the Board
  • Representation from members, alumni and the community at large in order 
to provide a level of independence, objectivity, and diversity of perspectives to the organization

Skills and Attributes

  • Good organizational skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Working knowledge of rules of procedure
  • Good meeting management/facilitation skills
  • Ability to relate to people (strong interpersonal skills)
  • Media relations skills/experience
  • Some degree of financial literacy and business acumen
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Effective questioning skills
  • Ability to work effectively with Head of School
  • Open-mindedness

Time Commitment

Seven (7) Board meetings are held throughout the school year (current schedule is Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:30 pm) and the board holds a half-day professional development, usually in November. In addition to board meetings, members are all asked to serve on one of the board committees (Finance, Audit & Risk; Executive; Advancement; Governance; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging). Committee meetings schedules and frequency of meetings are established by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Committee members, approximately seven (7) times throughout the year. In addition to formal meetings, board members are asked to participate in school activities throughout the year.