Volunteers from the Grammar Community (parents, alumni and the community at large) are encouraged to put their names forward. The Board hopes to attract individuals with diverse skill sets, experience and backgrounds.
The ideal Board profile, including skills and attributes, is listed
here. Expertise in accounting, legal, communication, education, real estate development, advancement, governance, child health, or marketing as well as broader community involvement can be an asset to the school.
In February of each year, the Nominating Committee will send a notice to all school members informing them of how many vacancies are to be filled on the Board.
If you are willing to serve on the Board, please provide a short biography to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Candidates will be contacted to confirm their interest and an interview may be conducted. All nominations will be considered at the Nominating Committee and a slate of candidates will be presented to the Board for consideration at least 5 weeks before the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Candidates may also be nominated by a letter of nomination signed by 10 members from the school, and endorsed by the nominee, no later than 14 days before the AGM.
Information on all nominees will be circulated before the AGM to all school members. An election, if necessary, will be carried out at the AGM. If not, the nominations will be presented at the AGM.